Gain insight and strategies to be
more efficient, profitable, and fulfilled in your business!

You are blissing to be of service to your clients.
You are blissing with the great results they are getting.
Are you also blissing with how much you are working? 
Does everything you are doing make you bliss? When you look at your bank account does that put a smile on your face? I hope so!
If not (or if you want MORE bliss in your business) join us for the
Bliss in Your Business Summit! 

Friday, March 15th, 2024

Online via Zoom   |   10am-3pm PT

Ticket includes a Bliss in Your Business Packet for participants who register by March 1st, the interactive online summit, and summit recordings.Ticket regular price $77.

EARLY BIRD only $57 through March 1st!

This is an interactive virtual event! Come and network with other established businesswomen on a mission who are heart-centered and are making a difference with their service-based businesses!

Join in as we hear from heart-centered, successful, and dynamic speakers who will inspire you and also give you instantly implementable strategies to help you enjoy the journey of being an entrepreneur more while increasing your profitability and effectiveness.

I promise an info-packed and uplifting 5 hours that will make your business more of your bliss!


Our Awesome Speakers:

Andrea Woolf

“Ignite Your Dream Life for More Bliss”

Tracie Root

“Unleash your BOLD Brilliance for More Bliss”

Heather Zeitzwolfe

“Creating Cash Flow Bliss”

Karen Robinson

“Embrace Your Healing Path for More Bliss”

Sheya Chisenga

“Seize the Mic and Unleash Your Influence”

Elaine Williams

“More Engaging Videos for More Bliss”

Haley Gray

“Expand Your Reach and Visibility for More Bliss”

Elisabeth Stitt

“Boost Your Bliss with Better Boundaries”