Episode #79: How to be a Tremendous Leader
with Dr. Tracey "Tremendous" Jones

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In Caterina’s recent sit down with author, speaker, podcaster, publisher, and Air Force veteran Dr. Tracey “Tremendous” Jones, the two ladies dig deep into the way childhood modeling impacts who we become and the challenges of over-complication that women in business face and what to do in response. Dr. Tracey also discusses her S.P.A.R.K. leadership qualities model and the three personalities we exhibit when faced with a crisis. This is an episode you don’t want to miss!



Author, speaker, podcaster, publisher, and Air Force veteran, Dr. Tracey Jones is a student of life and lover of all things leadership. She seeks to transform lives through the reading of tremendous books, connections to tremendous people, and rescuing tremendous animals!

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Expand Your Fempire Podcast #79 Transcript


How to be a Tremendous Leader with Dr. Tracey Jones


Welcome to Expand your Fempire with Caterina Rando, the podcast for women in business on a mission. Sharing ideas to support you to grow and thrive. Now here’s your host, Caterina Rando.

[00:00:25] Caterina Rando: Welcome back to another episode of the Expand Your Fempire Podcast. I’m your host Caterina Rando and I am blissing to be with you today, especially because we have a positive, super smart, amazing guest, Dr. Tracey Tremendous. And she is going to support us in being more amazing leaders in our business and our life. Tracey, I’m so happy that you’re with us today.

[00:01:00] Dr. Tracey Jones: Caterina, what a blessing it is to be here. And thank you for introducing me to your tremendous Fempire.

[00:01:06] Caterina Rando: Thank you. Thank you. Tracey, my listeners know, I want to tell you that my dad was a Toastmaster when he was an engineer because as an engineer my dad had to talk in front of the city managers and get them to agree with his projects. And he was very introverted. And of course, Toastmasters opened him up. And when I was a kid, I would go upstairs to his home office and we would listen to motivational tapes, Nido Qubein, Brian Tracy, et cetera. And when I met you recently and you said to me your name and you talked a little bit, and I just knew –or asked– if your father was Tremendous Jones and you said yes. And I have to ask you… first of all say a little bit about who your dad was, and then I’m really curious how it was for you to grow up with Tremendous Jones as your dad.

[00:02:14] Dr. Tracey Jones: Oh Caterina, well to the listeners out there, when we found out we had that pre-connection through our fathers and their level wisdom, pouring them into their daughters, it just took our relationship, this new relationship, to a whole new level. For those that haven’t heard of my father, Charlie Tremendous Jones, he was born in ’27. He immigrated to heaven in 2008. He’s up with the angels now.

[00:02:36] But he was an individual that started out in life insurance, and while he was a young life insurance salesman with Mutual New York, he found in successive order, he found my mother, Gloria, the love of his life. He found a business that he could put everything into, life insurance. And for a kid that flunked out of the eighth grade and grew up in the south in deep poverty, gave him the efficacy and the tools, and then he found the love of God. So that was the three-legged stool, the IQ, the EQ, and the SQ that my father found.

[00:03:05] And growing up with him, I would say, Caterina for the listeners, it was a cross between boot camp and a sitcom. Okay. So he was incredibly disciplined, and yeah you’re having fun, but there’s a purpose for everything. I remember being at the table as a kindergartener, “what do you want to do with your life?” You know, I want to make it to first grade, you know? And books, books, books. I think I read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” before “The Pokey Little Puppy”.

[00:03:30] So intense discipline, because everything had a purpose. There’s only so many moments in this life. But then Caterina, he was the most jubilant, joyful man that came from such hardship, but he was so convinced that the best was yet to come.

[00:03:43] So even though it was tough, it was so much fun. I grew up with this incredible blend of work and fun, and a lot of people are like, “I need to take a vacation to get away.” He taught me, like Mary Poppins, in every job that must be done there is an element of fun, to really blend your love of anything. Find it. It’s not your dream job? Who said it’s your dream job. Get to work, make it your dream job.

[00:04:04] I grew up with a very pragmatic, “stop thumb sucking, you’re not happy with something, get out there and work it and read”. And I was exposed as a young woman to people like Brian Tracy, Ken Blanchard, Nido Qubein. So sitting there listening as a young woman, as even a child, and watching these men and women just say, “Hey, the sky’s the limit, it’s what you want to do”, and help, not just themselves, but other people was just unbelievable. Of course, as a teenager, you’re like “he’s so weird. He embarrasses me”, but now I’m like “oh my gosh, he was just something else”.

[00:04:38] Caterina Rando: It seems like you grew up in a household where possibilities were endless. You could make whatever you want happen. And this is very significant for the modeling, because we often don’t think that our childhood modeling impacts who we become. And it’s also what we hear people say in our household. I love that you grew up in this household and you have continued to live your father’s legacy. Of course, you’re having your own legacy with supporting entrepreneurs and other leaders and business owners to be the best leaders they can be. And before we talk about all of that, cause I want to hear everything you have to share about how to be a more amazing leader. Before we do Tracey, I want to hear a little bit, because I always like to know, about your personal entrepreneurial journey. I understand why you became an entrepreneur because that was standard operating procedure in your household. But let’s hear, for our listener, a little bit about your journey.

[00:05:47] Dr. Tracey Jones: Well, there’s three real segments of my life. And I look back at them now and I understand. The other thing my father told me for our listeners out there was, he said “you’re wet behind the ears until you’re 55.” Now, for those of you that are younger, you may not understand that term. But what it means is you don’t really know what you want to do in life until at least 55. And as somebody who now turned 58, I get it.

[00:06:08] So I grew up realizing that, you know, there’s a small element of the population that knows exactly what they want to do. And then there’s the rest of us where it’s a journey and we just find out what we’re good at. We’re open to new experiences. We get knocked down. We get back up. And life is more just one triumphant, you know, journey and failure and get up and go. So I really started out in the military. And he told me as a young woman, he said “Tracey, you need to go out and earn your stripes”. And I took that quite literally and went into the Air Force. I went to the Air Force Academy. So I did 12 years in the military, which I adored. I’m a big structure person. I’m a big serve something higher than yourself. I love our country. You don’t love our country, go live in other countries. And that I can always tell somebody that’s never lived all over the world, because I’m like, “you have no idea what an anomaly America is and how blessed we are”. Not perfect, but in the rank order of things, mmhm. Okay.

[00:06:59] So anyway, so went into the military. Went into the Air Force. Loved it, lived all over the world. And then I thought, you know what? It’s time to get out of that. There’s something else going on. Then I went into big bureaucratic organizations, Fortune 100 companies, high-tech defense contracting, Northrop Grumman, applied materials. And I thought, okay, I’m going to find my meaning in this, in big companies that make money. So serving the almighty dollar. Okay, then we’re going to change the world through free enterprise, through technology, through chips, all that stuff. And then I went to work for the National Security Agency in St. Louis. Oh, you know, we’re in a different thing and all this is going on. This is going on, I’m 20 years into this, and I’m thinking, “man, I’m just hitting the same thing, every organization.” You know, for our listeners out there, there’s that honeymoon period where the first six months you’re like, “I’ve found it”. And then after that, you know, there’s a different way we’d say it in the military, but it was the same crap different day. Okay.

[00:07:51] Because people were people and that’s the bottom line. I never did not enjoy anything I did, but it’s all the other stuff that kind of sucks the soul and spirit out of you. And of course, all this time I’m thinking, “I was raised by an entrepreneur. I’m not an entrepreneur. Bigger is better. I want to work for $20 billion a year company. I want these big structures. Bigger is better”. And I realized “oh, I don’t do well in a bureaucracy.” Because there’s a lot of waste. There’s a lot of unfairness, nepotism, cronyism, you name it. Not that there’s not in small organizations, but at least you see it. And small organizations, they can’t absorb that kind of waste and trash. The too-big-to-fails, you get a bunch of nonsense. It literally sucks the soul out of you. And after 20 years I’m like, I just don’t want to meet my maker and say, “I exchanged time for money”. I was getting this real soul conviction like… and what I was doing was good. I was making the world a better place. I was working hard. I was honing my leadership chops. But I knew there was something more legacy-like.

[00:08:46] So my father was dying from cancer. And I knew this. We had several years to say goodbye and I watched his soul literally depart from him when he went to heaven. And that’s such a blessing. Whatever else has happened to me on this earth, I thank God I had been there with my mother and father when they departed. He was passing on and I thought “you know what? I’m kind of burnout on the big organizations. Let’s see if I’m an entrepreneur.” And I thought “there’s no way I’m an honorable, I’m an engineer by trade. I’m not woo-woo. I’m creative a little.

[00:09:13] But I was so tired and defeated and, Caterina, I always tell people “pivot with purpose, not with pain”. But sometimes pain will be a good motivator for change. So that’s why I came back. January 9th will be 13 years by the grace of God. Second-generation businesses have a high mortality rate, but he had left me with three things, a tremendous legacy, no debt, and a phenomenal way to generate revenue, if I could just put my operational skills to task. So that’s what I’ve been doing since then.

[00:09:47] Caterina Rando: And you say tremendous business if you could put your operational skills to task. Does that mean then that you were left with all of his trainings and his books and all of that.

[00:10:00] Dr. Tracey Jones: Absolutely. And for the listeners out there that are growing their business, one of the things you need, no matter how entrepreneurial or visionary you are, you need integrators and executors.

[00:10:10] One of my favorite books is Michael Gerber’s “The E-Myth Revisited” where there’s the entrepreneur, the manager, and the technician, and at any given time we’re picking up one of those hats. You can have all the good ideas in the world. If you don’t have the people out there to go make disciples and converts and sales, it’s not going to happen. You’re just a visionary. So I thought, “well at least I knew I wasn’t that,” at least yet –I’m honing that– but I knew at least how to run stuff and take it and put more of an operational spin on it. So that’s what I’ve been doing.

[00:10:41] Now of course, there’s two kinds of momentum, Caterina: there’s residual momentum, which is what I dealt with the first 10 years. I took what he had. I kept honing it. I’d open a drawer. Here’s another speech of his. I’d get a call from somebody, here’s another tremendous connection of his. But then creative momentum is what the entrepreneur brings. So the past couple of years I’ve really been coming into my own. Keep the DNA. But this is my calling now. And so I have to put my unique imprint on it to take to the next generation.

[00:11:08] Caterina Rando: Absolutely, absolutely. Well, I love that you emphasize operations, because a lot of times, especially women, when we start a business, we want to be of service. Whatever we’re starting, our business around: I want to be a coach, I want to be a personal trainer, image consultant. We think, “Hey, here’s this area that I can help people”. And we think about the service usually first, which is great because that’s why you’re doing what you’re doing. The challenge is that if you’re not only the person who’s doing the service, but you’re also doing the bookkeeping and the web design and the graphic design, your business is not scalable and it’s not sustainable. And this is why figuring out your standard operating procedures, your checklist, when you’re doing what all of those operation things are so important to grow your revenue and continue to thrive in your business. And my question to you, because I don’t know the answer Tracey, is do you do all of the teaching and training delivery, or do you have other people that deliver for you also?

[00:12:30] Dr. Tracey Jones: Well, right now I do it. Now I have 1099’s. I have contractors. I have part-time people. But part of this is, and when we talk about the five steps, I feel God is really still helping me dial in my zone of genius. You know, they always say, and a lot of women out there, we suffer from the gift of complication. “Oh, I’ll do that. I’ll teach this. I’ll serve that. I’ll do this.” I mean, dial it in. I mean, it’s not a bad thing, but good is the enemy of great. And so at this point, Caterina, I’m still dialing in, what is that one thing –it’s Jim Collins, the hedgehog principle– that I’ve lived, that I can share in such a way that’s going to resonate with people?

[00:13:07] Every listener out there is unique in something that only they can deliver. And when you know that one “I got that”, then I will know more of who I need, what resources I need, because I’ll be very, very detailed. I still am a little bit scattered to be quite honest with you. I’m trying different things, but that’s part of running a business too. You have to try different marketing, different advertising. You try, and then you evaluate the results. Nobody gets it right the first time. So I’m still in that phase. And Lord willing when I dial that in, he will bring me the right people to say, “Now. Now we’re getting you where you need to go.”

[00:13:42] Caterina Rando: That’s great. I like to say test it, test everything.

[00:13:45] Dr. Tracey Jones: Yeah, absolutely.

[00:13:45] Caterina Rando: Don’t hesitate to test. I love that you said, you know, women have the challenge of over-complication. I agree with you. I think a lot of women have the challenge of pursuing perfection.

[00:13:59] Dr. Tracey Jones: Yes, that’s the other thing.

[00:14:01] Caterina Rando: When we’re pursuing perfection, usually what that means is that you’re getting ready to get ready cause you’re trying to get it right before you get it started. And what that does is it pushes off your mastery, first of all. But of course, it also pushes off your revenue.

[00:14:18] And I love that you said good is the enemy of great. Because the thing is that if people do something and the first time it’s not amazing, they say “okay, well that didn’t work”. Well of course it wasn’t amazing, cause it’s only the first time. By doing things like speaking and writing and podcasting and running zoom meetings, all these things that we do, it might’ve been okay the first time, but that’s because it was the first time. This pursuit of greatness, or I like to say mastery, this comes from many hours in, and that’s when you get to that. But the challenge is if you’re doing all the things that are not the highest and best use of your time, you’re really pushing off your mastery with the things that are the highest, best use of your time.

[00:15:09] Dr. Tracey Jones: So true. Well, Dan Sullivan has one of my favorite quotes, he says “delegate everything but genius”.

[00:15:14] Caterina Rando: I love that. Okay. I haven’t heard that before. That’s good.

[00:15:16] Dr. Tracey Jones: Isn’t that beautiful? So here’s the balance for all the listeners out there. And I’m telling you I live it every day, so I don’t think Tracey has it figured out, I’m sure Caterina will say it too. Good is the enemy of great when you are figuring out your singularity, your highest and best use of time. However, once you begin to get a sense of it, good enough is good enough. Just float it. Okay?

[00:15:40] My dad would say production to perfection. Nobody gets it perfect this side of heaven. We’re not God. Okay. Just do it. And if you need to tweak it the next day or re-record it, or somebody says you have a typo on your meme or your sound was crap… okay. It’s okay. Good enough. Just, I publish books. “Oh, I’m scared. What if this…?” Just publish it, if you want to rewrite something, I’ll pull the files down and we’ll re-edit for crying out loud. Just put it out there. Put the bait in the water and then let the fish come nibble.

[00:16:07] And then, especially for entrepreneurs and women, you’ll get a sense for what parts of your message are resonating. And then that makes your singularity more focused. But it’s this “okay. I’m going to keep it broad”, and then I launch it, but then everything is with the intention of really helping you get more niche. Somebody told me “Hey, Tracey, who makes more money? A general practitioner or a specialist?” A specialist. Okay. So I’m like, “okay, okay, okay”. I can’t just talk about leadership. What is it about leadership that I’ve lived that makes me most passionate? Cause there’s 50 million leadership theories, but what is it that I’ve uniquely lived? Because there’s so many other people talking about other things. So the more niche you go, the more you grow. So for, for the ladies out there growing your business, keep dialing it in, put it out there. Dial-in. Put it out there. Rinse lather repeat, and you’ll get there.

[00:16:55] Caterina Rando: I definitely agree that it’s important to clarify your niche. And I think that for a lot of people in the beginning, they don’t know exactly what it is and that’s okay.

[00:17:07] Dr. Tracey Jones: It is okay.

[00:17:08] Caterina Rando: It is in the doing that we figure things out. That’s really important to acknowledge. Tracey, let’s dive into the S.P.A.R.K situation, tell everyone about S.P.A.R.K and the five leadership qualities for us to embrace.

[00:17:27] Dr. Tracey Jones: Well, Spark is a result of my doctoral dissertation, which of course I would study the theory of motivation. Okay. Self-motivation, not how leaders motivate you, cause Caterina, one thing I found on my Ph.D., I can’t lead anybody. There’s this intrinsic thing that you got to bring, it’s like trying to make a spouse happy. Happiness is an inside job. So is motivation and self-awareness. And I hate to tell people, they’re like “we’re going to do this leadership thing because leaders need to make sure people are engaged and, uh, morale”, and I’m like “Pay me”.

[00:17:55] Okay. And I’ll tell you don’t waste your time and you’ll save a lot of energy. For as long as the history of time, we keep thinking that we can make people a certain way. Ah, okay. So Spark is a result. I studied a merger that went south, a crisis. Okay. Cause when you’re in a crisis, that’s when what’s inside really comes out of you. People think this COVID thing changed them. Nope. It just revealed what was inside of you. And if you hated your job now, you probably hated it pre-COVID. You know what I’m saying? And if you’re anxious to get back, you probably liked working before COVID. All right? That external has nothing to do with it, bad things happen all the time to people. All right?

[00:18:30] And so I studied this and I found out there’s three real things when people engage in a crisis. There’s personality traits. Some people are resilient, got self-efficacy. Some people get very entrenched and negative, and neuroticism is the personality trait, their past experiences. If you’ve gone through cancer or been to war or dealt with some of the things that I’ve dealt with, a virus is not that bad. Okay? I’ve gotten off a plane and been threatened with chemical warfare. Let’s all think past experiences. Okay.

[00:18:59] And then the last one is your perspective. And the big perspective, if you’re not ready at a moment’s notice, how you live life and how you view problems is a direct correlation to how you view your death and what’s to come. Bring it I’m ready to go at a moment’s notice. If it would have taken me out, good. There’s better stuff to come. But when you think, when you’re uncertain, and you’re scared that this is it and what’s to come, that’s going to show in everything that you put out there. So the Ph.D., really what I did was I determined why were some people looking at this merger as the greatest thing in the world? Because they realized better assets, better opportunities, better future. Okay. And the other people thought this was the worst thing in the entire world to ever happen to them. And they were all promised their job. The same event. And so I really came down, there’s five steps, five keys.

[00:19:48] S.P.A.R.K. It’s an acronym. I was in the military, so I like acronyms. Sparks stands for Singularity, Persistence, Advocates, Resources, and Knowledge.

[00:19:57] So singularity and persistence, Caterina that’s what you bring to the table. Okay. I don’t know what your purpose is and I can’t do the work for you. You’ve got to figure that out, but that’s not enough. That’s why a lot of these books are like “just declare it to the world,” and then people declare it to the world, and then the world says “you’re an idiot”. And then they’re like “Ooh, what happened?” And I’m like, “because you need the flip side of the coin.” You need the externals, you need the advocates, your earth angels, your mentors, the people that want your success more than you. And they’re out there, you just are blocking them, you got to let them in. Resources, what we talked about. Your website, your marketing, your people, your processes, your logistics, your SEO. You got to have the tools in your toolbox because otherwise, it’s incredibly frustrating. You see the goal, you can taste the grapes, but you don’t have the ladder. You don’t have the means to get there. You’ve got to have resources and then K, knowledge. I mean, every day I may have a PhD, but there’s so much stuff I need to know to take my business to the next level.

[00:20:52] So I constantly have to be seeking out that knowledge, talking to people like you, having people like you on my podcast. So I can continue to raise my brain, because everything starts here. Thoughts, then feelings, then behaviors. You got to feed it up here. And my dad would say that. You’re going to be the same person five years from now that you are today, except for two things. The people you meet and the books you read. Well, there’s your advocates, resources, and knowledge. And that’s why he’s like, if you just sit there and “well, I haven’t read anything in five years. I haven’t read anybody new,” how can your life get better? How can you forge the path forward? It’s not all about you and wanting it, that’s not enough. The last word of attraction, last part of it is action. I gotta want it so bad. I’m going to persist and not quit, but I also need people to help me. I need money. I need capital. I need buyers. None of us is meant to go through this life on our own.

[00:21:47] So S.P.A.R.K is the intricate balance between what you need and what comes to you. And then you just keep cycling through that and cycling through that. And that’s how you ignite the greatness within and how you keep that fire burning bright until your last breath.

[00:22:02] Caterina Rando: That sounds good. We’re going to keep that fire burning bright, super bright, Tracey, until our last breath. I love that because I always like to say “I’ll be doing my thing as long as I’m above ground.” Right? My background is Italian-American, and in the Italian community when I was growing up, I would hear stories about so-and-so who had the Italian restaurant, or he was the butcher or the baker. And he worked his whole life and then he retired. Well, he was usually dead within a year because he had lost his purpose. This used to be an American ideal of, “Hey, if you work hard, then you get to retire later”. And first of all, retirement doesn’t appeal to me or many people because where we get our vitality I would say, Tracey, is in being of service. Would you agree?

[00:23:06] Dr. Tracey Jones: 1000%.

[00:23:08] Caterina Rando: And therefore we absolutely want to be able to create financial surplus, financial ease so we have choices later in life. I have so many people though, who have said to me “you know, I love speaking. I love sharing and I cannot see ever not doing it.” And that’s how I feel as well. I want to jump back for a moment. You said the books we read and the people we associate with, that’s what’s going to be different in five years. And I agree with that. I’m going to also add in though the experience that we have. And that includes of course, knowledge and people. I’ve been doing my thing for many, many years, and I have seen the more time we do our thing, the more we move towards mastery, the funny and challenging thing about mastery is the closer you get the more it moves. You know? I had a glimpse of it many years ago and I haven’t seen it again, but I see that I keep getting better and better at doing my thing and being of service and our intuition grows, and all these additional senses pop in so that we can be of service even more. I love everything you’ve shared and what you’re doing, and I want to shine the spotlight a little bit on the resource part. Because so often, women in business, they’re focused on the service, as we’ve discussed, as I think is very important. The challenge is though that sometimes they’re operating from a cup that’s half empty, if I could say that. And this is why the operations, the team, everything is so important. So that we’re serving from a place of surplus and not from a place of scarcity. What are your thoughts?

[00:25:07] Dr. Tracey Jones: I love that. I love that you said that. You can’t serve from a place of scarcity. It’s not meant to be that this is the time for you to come back. So as far as advocates and resources, for whatever reason as women, we have a hard time asking. And then if we do ask and people say, “I’ll help you”, we have a really difficult time authorizing them. Okay? Because I don’t know, because we’re givers. Okay? And God made us that way and that’s a beautiful thing. But my first eight years back, I’m running the company and I got this, I went to war Caterina. I run jets that are, you know, $44 million, eh I got this. Meanwhile, I almost ran the business into the ground. I made a decision that killed 90% of our revenue. And I’m just like “oh Lord.” It sounded good, but it was not good. And I was so whipped and embarrassed, I finally went out to all my dad’s friends and I said “listen, I can go back and do something else, it’s not the end of the world, but I need your help”. And you know what, not one person came back to me and said “really, we were waiting for you to ask”. They were like “what do you need? Who can we connect you with? What can we do? What books do you want? We’ll publish with you”. And it was like, what was wrong with me? Why did I insist? You know, Ecclesiastics, I used at my wedding. “A cord of three strands is not easily broken”. Lena Horne, one of my favorite quotes, “it’s not the weight that kills your wears you down. It’s the way you carry it”. Let others come in and share your load. They’re waiting to help you. And some people will not ask. I don’t know why. So you call them up and say “I’m not asking, I’m telling. I’m coming to take you here”. There’s so many of us that know people that are ill right now, don’t even ask because it’s like just do it, just show up, just do it. And if people go “no, no, no”, give them a hug and tell them to shut up. You’re coming to help them. But that was such a thing for me.

[00:26:55] And now I ask 90 million people, I’m just like “Hey, who do you use for this?” Cause I’m like “well, it’s some kind of a secret.” I’m looking at their website and I’m like… like you, you told me about your app. And I’m like, that sounds really cool. So what do I do? I don’t just sit there and go “well…”. I said ” who do you use?” And you hooked me up, we already had a discussion. Ask. If God brought you these people in your life, or he put this little idea in your head. He’s not a God of confusion. He’s not just going to let you hang it. He’s bringing all these people. What is it? The joke about the guy where the floodwaters were rising and he was in his house and the boat came by and said, “we’ll save you”. And he said, “no, no, God will save me”. And they’re like “get in the boat”. “No, no, God will save me”. And then it got up on the second floor and then somebody else came by with a lifeline and then it got up to the roof and he was on the roof and a helicopter came by and he kept saying “no, no, no. God will save me”. And then pretty soon he drowned. He went to heaven and he’s like “God, why didn’t you save?” And he’s like “I sent the boat, I sent the helicopter, and I said the lifeline, but you wouldn’t take it.” All over these lifelines. We blocked the blessing pipeline with our own doubts, fears, ego, whatever it is. I don’t know. There’s 50 million different fears of success. Then there’s fear of failure. Fear of… just ask. People are here on earth to serve you, to love you, and to support you. And when you figure that out, you are going to be like, “I cannot believe why I was trying to do this on my own for so long”.

[00:28:17] Caterina Rando: I love that. That is a good theme for all of our listeners to take away, Tracey. Just ask. I love when women ask for what they want. Sometimes over the years, someone has made a request of me. And sometimes I can hear in their voice, the trepidation in the ask. And I made a decision a long time ago that I’m always going to be a yes, whenever I can, to affirm the asking. Because that’s how we get what we want in life, in sales, in business and relationships, everything. Ask for what you want. That’s a whole topic, my friend, for another day, we’ll have to get there. Let me ask you this. How can our listeners connect with you? Of course, we have your information in the show notes. Give them a quick place to connect.

[00:29:10] Dr. Tracey Jones: On tremendousleadership.com or traceycjones.com. Tracey with an E. If you go on there, we got two free weeks of eBooks. We got all kinds of specials. We got new releases. We got publishing. We got our podcasts. We’re going to have Caterina on there. We got free webinars. So remember, it’s wonderful to listen and meet, you know cause I’ve met all you, but also take time every day to read. We’ve got some tremendous books, little mini books that will take you maybe a half an hour to read and watch yourself grow.

[00:29:37] Caterina Rando: Bing bing bing. That is a good idea for you to take away: watch yourself grow. It is amazing to watch yourself become more amazing. To watch yourself expand, to watch yourself move towards greatness. Tracey, it’s been my honor and privilege to be with you today. You are tremendous.

[00:30:00] Dr. Tracey Jones: So are you Caterina.

[00:30:02] Caterina Rando: Thank you. Friends go thrive. Cannot wait to be with you again on the Expand Your Fempire Podcast.

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Expand Your Fempire with Caterina Rando.

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