“Selling is service – the better you sell, the more you get to serve.”
—Caterina Rando
In this one-hour LIVE, online seminar, Caterina will discuss how to sell in an authentic way that not only feels right but also helps you get more clients!
Does this sound like you:
- You have your own business because you want to be of service and you are really good at what you do.
- The challenge is, you have to be really good at selling too; but because selling does not feel good to you, you do not do it much.
- Because you aren’t selling, you do not have as many clients as you would like.
- Plus, you know you could be a whole lot better at selling.
If this rings true for you, here is what I want you to know. When you are doing sales authentically, it feels great for you and the person you are talking to.
Join me for a perspective on selling that will work for you. I will give you super tips so that every sales conversation you have will be a service conversation and the results will be for you to gain more clients easily. There are some sales techniques you have been taught that we are going to throw away and replace with a new way that will be in alignment with you and your values. Selling will feel better which means you will do it more and more, and get more sales.
You will leave this thought-provoking session with a boost in your attitude toward sales that will make you and your business soar!
Upcoming workshops:
Achieving Sales Bliss for Coaches, Consultants & Speakers
Learn how to sell with authenticity by building influence
Wednesday, June 12th, 2024
Online via ZOOM | 12pm – 1pm PT
Investment: FREE
“Before I started taking Caterina’s courses, I felt like I was treading water to stay afloat. Her course is so smart and laid out beautifully. It’s foolproof! When I started implementing all of the things I learned and allowed myself to be coachable, it made all of the difference. I’ve been in the program just two months so far and during that time I did just what she said to do. My revenue keeps growing and I’m now earning ten times what I was before. This course is incredible! You want to talk about massive value? Run, don’t walk, to sign up!
-Rev. Dr. Bonnie Russell, Spiritual Teacher, Author & Speaker
Founder of All🌎ne Sacred Services Healing Academy