Location: Thriving Women in Business Center, San Francisco, CA

Investment: $7,997*

*Includes monthly speaker mastermind and PPP participation for all of 2024 from time of registration


MESSAGE FROM Caterina Rando,
Speaker Mastermind Program and Retreat PRODUCER

I am blissing to invite you to join other women on a mission for our Speaker Mastermind Program and Retreat!

Our amazing retreat is the perfect opportunity for you to focus on where you want to upgrade your speaking and gain more clarity on your message, your mission and your plan to get there. By embracing this adventure, you will return reconnected to your vision, rejuvenated and ready for what is next, plus you will have a whole lot of FUN in the process! Join us for a wondrous adventure and a program that will nurture your speaker’s soul!

Immerse yourself in enlightening sessions, group activities, and time to craft your story and your plan. This unique and life-changing program offers you an opportunity to focus on you and your speaker platform with other women who want you to win and grow and thrive.

If you are like me, you enjoy time with like-minded, like-hearted women who are also committed to creating a great life for themselves and others. Being in community is always refreshing and worth investing in. Amazing things happen when women speakers gather together.  —Caterina Rando

PS – Be sure to let me know if you are interested in discussing if this event is a good match for you. Email me and we can schedule a time for us to talk cat@caterinarando.comIf you would simply like updates and to find out about our other events and retreats click here.

“I have been on at least twelve getaway programs with Caterina including the Speaker Mastermind Retreat and I am signed up for the next one. Why? Because every time I go, I learn so much, experience transformation, have a great time and return to my business with clarity to take it to the next level. As long as Caterina continues to offer these amazing opportunities for women to get together and authentically connect and lift each other up, I will continue to show up. I am so grateful to be a part of the TWIBC Community.”  
—Andrea Woolf, Founder, Ignited Women of Impact

Book Early Limited Space Available

Join women’s business coach extraordinaire, Caterina Rando, VIP guest presenters, and other incredible women entrepreneurs for an exclusive gathering of personal transformation, pampering, authentic connections, and time to relax, reflect and put attention on what is possible for YOU! During our special time together, you will…

  • Expand your personal network, as you connect with other quality women, who are also ready to experience a quantum leap, toward living their ideal personal and business lives. 
  • Participate in interactive, possibility-focused sessions in a supportive environment, that will allow you to see yourself, and all that you can do and be, from a new more expansive perspective.
  • VIP Guest Presenters, among our group participants is a lot of talent and some of it will be shared during our breakthrough sessions
  • Optional evening sessions with Caterina for more massive value

Caterina has invited guest presenters who will provide insightful and engaging sessions that will allow you to heal or reveal what has been keeping you stuck while you discover how to create what you want for you and your business.

Best of all, you will leave behind your busy life and reconnect with your personal power, hear your inner wisdom, and release any constraints on your prosperity and complete bliss!

“After a year of waiting, spent last week upgrading my presentations at the Speaker Mastermind Retreat with phenomenal ladies from the Thriving Women in Business Community! Filled with gratitude, Caterina, for your expertise and love! Gifts galore, spectacular advice, new friends, talented entrepreneurs, bocce ball, high tea with fascinators, strategies for success and fabulous lush robes!”  
—Jana Marie Toutolmin, Catalyst for Clarity

“I have done everything Caterina has ever invited me to do. Yes, she always under-promises and over-delivers, of course. The best part is that my business, my network, my confidence and my business revenue keeps growing. After a few years in Caterina’s community and programs I am now an influencer and a thought leader. I am ready for what is next.”  
—Diana Morgan, Whole Heart Marketing

Take time in this supportive environment ideal for personal insight, creativity, and exploring the possibilities of what is next and calling you in your business and life. Of course, you can go on a retreat anytime, so why bother being a part of the 2024 Speaker Mastermind Retreat? Because everything will be arranged for you… and the value that you will gain from our speaker mastermind sessions is priceless…not to mention the new perspective and deep special friendships you will cultivate that will enhance your life and your business for years to come.

Also, your Speaker Mastermind Retreat is a business expense.

In our program and during the retreat we will cover several hot topics including, how to:


  • Upgrade your speaker business model to be more strategic and leverage your resources
  • Get booked for more speaking
  • Craft your personal stories….
  • Make an offer to an audience…
  • Ensure your workshops are highly profitable 
  • Easily create and fill your group program over and over
  • And much more!

Speaker Mastermind Program & Mastermind Calls 2024

Here are the training call topics to give you an example of this awesome program. As part of your Speaker Mastermind program, we will have mastermind calls and 2 sets of training calls that you are welcome to attend. From the time you sign up, you can attend all trainings (or access the recordings) for the whole year.

        • Mastermind call, Wed., January 24, 2024 from 2pm to 3pm PTMastermind call, Mon., February 19, 2024 from 2pm to 3pm PTMastermind call, Wed., March 13, 2024 from 2pm to 3pm PT
        • Training Call #1 Mon., April 8th, 2024 at 2-3pm PT
          Your Speaking Goals, What You Need to Win With Speaking
          Training call #2 Mon., April 15th, 2024 at 2-3pm PT
          Cultivate your sought-after speaker mindset and take the loud and proud speaker challenge to attract speaking opportunities with more ease
          Training call #3 Mon., April 22nd, 2024 at 2-3pm PT
          How to be a great speaker partner to ensure you get the insta-rebook, every time, what to do before a speech/workshop to maximize your ROI
          Training call #4 Mon., April 29th, 2024 at 2-3pm PT
          Checklist for what to do after a speech to gain new clients now and more clients later and put together your post-speech sales systems
          Training call #5 Mon., May 6th, 2024 at 2-3pm PT
          Strategy to easily conduct rinse and repeat workshops that have great impact and have you gain insta-clients pt.1
          Training call #6 Mon., May 13th, 2024 at 2-3pm PTStrategy to easily conduct rinse and repeat workshops that have great impact and have you gain insta-clients pt.2
        • Mastermind call, Tues., June 4, 2024 from 2-3pm PTMastermind call, Tues., July 9, 2024 from 2-3pm PTMastermind call, Tues., August 6, 2024 from 2-3pm PTMastermind call, Tues., September 3, 2024 from 2-3pm PTMastermind call, Tues., October 1, 2024 from 2-3pm PT
        • Training Call #1 Wed., Oct .9, 2024 at 10-11amPT
        • Your Speaking Goals, What You Need to Win With Speaking
        • Training call #2 Wed., Oct. 16, 2024 at 10-11amPT 
        • Cultivate your sought-after speaker mindset and take the loud and proud speaker challenge to attract speaking opportunities with more ease
        • Training call #3 Wed., Oct. 23, 2024 at 10-11amPT
        • How to be a great speaker partner to ensure you get the insta-rebook, every time, what to do before a speech/workshop to maximize your ROI
        • Training call #4 Wed., Oct. 30, 2024 at 10-11amPT 
        • Checklist for what to do after a speech to gain new clients now and more clients later and put together your post-speech sales systems
        • Training call #5 Wed., Nov. 13, 2024 at 10-11amPT 
        • Strategy to easily conduct rinse and repeat workshops that have great impact and have you gain insta-clients pt.1
        • Training call #6 Wed., Nov. 20, 2024 at 10-11amPT 
        • Strategy to easily conduct rinse and repeat workshops that have great impact and have you gain insta-clients pt.2

“Joining the Speaker Mastermind Program and Retreat was a very, smart move for my business. This program was pivotal, since then, I have become a much more confident and compelling speaker, I am now speaking 4-6 times per month and asking for the rebook is so much more comfortable and easier. As I’ve continued working with Caterina I have met so many amazing women in the community that are now my friends and others that I connect and collaborate with for even more speaking and business success.”

—Debbie Ternes, Confidence Coach and Founder Authentic Friendships

Wait there is more!!!!  


When you join a program you gain our amazing community bonuses (for the duration of your program) that will save you a lot of money, build your network, promote your events, expand your learning and ensure your success.

Check out all of the TWIBC Bonuses & Benefits Galore!

2024 Speaker Mastermind Program and Retreat
for Women Leaders on a Mission

Location: Thriving Women in Business Center, San Francisco, CA

Investment: $7,997*

*Includes monthly speaker mastermind and PPP participation for all of 2024 from time of registration.


“Ladies, I had 20 minutes today at a meeting to share a ‘get to know me’ talk that included at least one business and one personal item. I authentically spoke for 15 minutes about my story, my entrepreneurial journey, and where I am today in life and business. More than one of the ladies gushed about my speaking and all I could think about was how GRATEFUL I am for Caterina Rando and especially for being in Napa at the Speaker Mastermind retreat this past January. It’s completely changed how I show up in front of an audience and it’s only been 3 months! Imagine the impact a year from now! Yayyyy! <3”  
—Tracie Root, The Gather Community