Episode #151:
Insights to Achieve Mindset Mastery in Business & Life, Revisited

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Mastering your mindset is an essential, crucial part of thriving and blissing in your business. This week we revisit Caterina’s popular, unique two-part series where she shares her top 10 tips to achieve mindset mastery. From learning to lighten your mental load to eliminating negative self-talk, the more you master your mindset, the more it will support you in all situations in business and life. Be sure to listen to both episodes of this series and download the accompanying mindset super tip sheet to help you THRIVE and BLISS in all that you do! 

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Expand Your Fempire Podcast #151 Transcript


Insights to Achieve Mindset Mastery in Business & Life, Part 1 & 2


Welcome to Expand your Fempire with Caterina Rando, the podcast for women in business on a mission. Sharing ideas to support you to grow and thrive. Now here’s your host, Caterina Rando.

[00:00:24] Welcome back to another episode of the Expand Your Fempire podcast. This is your host Caterina Rando, and I am blissing to be with you today.

[00:00:38] Extra excited about our discussion today, because this episode is part one of our two-part discussion on mastering your mindset. This topic is so important that we’re taking extra time to focus on you mastering your mindset. Come back next week for part two. But first of course, listen to this episode.

[00:01:09] I want you to master your mindset so that you can bliss and thrive more in your business and in your life.

[00:01:20] Now, what is your mindset? I’ve read many different definitions of mindset and more or less, it comes down to a set of beliefs or ideas or assumptions that we have about everything- about ourselves, about life, about our culture, about our community.

[00:01:45] Mindset also relates to your natural disposition with your attitude. Are you positive? Are you sarcastic? Are you a realist? Are you negative? All of these things in your general attitude, disposition impacts your mindset as well.

[00:02:07] For example, someone might have a belief that everybody’s out to get them. Well, of course, this is going to impact how they think, every experience that they have. Someone could come up to them and say “hello,” and they could think, “oh, that’s so nice that someone’s at a low,” or they could think, “well, what do they want?” or “what’s their agenda?” Because their mindset is that somebody is always out to get them.

[00:02:37] Hopefully that’s not your mindset. Hopefully, you feel like there’s lots of good in the world and that people are for the most part good. And that everybody that comes in contact with you wants to shine some of their light on you.

[00:02:54] In our time together today, I’m going to discuss with you many things that will support you in impacting your mindset to the degree that this can make a huge difference in your life, in your beliefs, in your actions, in your behaviors, because you are focused on mastering your mindset. And that is what I’m hoping you’re going to do after our time together.

[00:03:27] My first request of you is that you be committed to mastering your mindset. That you say, “okay, Caterina, that sounds good. I want to become a master of my mindset.”

[00:03:42] Because as you know, life is dynamic. Your mental state is dynamic. It’s always changing and I want it to change for good. I want that for you. I want that for everybody.

[00:03:57] I’m going to discuss with you right now, a series of things. And some of them might be reminders for you to shine the spotlight if you’re being consistent with them. And some of them might be things that you have had no attention on. And if you feel it would be of benefit to you, let’s go ahead and bring these things in.

[00:04:18] First one, be committed to mastering your mindset. Be committed to getting better and better at having your mind and your mindset work for you. Because your thinking, your mindset, your overall attitude and disposition is one of the most important tools you have for your business success.

Because your thinking, your mindset, your overall attitude and disposition is one of the most important tools you have for your business success.  -Caterina Rando

[00:04:46] Your ability to think solve problems, be focused on solutions, come up with more brilliant ideas… all of this is going to support you to thrive in bliss in your business and your life.

[00:05:01] Number two, perfection is not required. This is a guiding principle for my business and my life I want to invite you to embrace. Because when we’re pursuing perfection or even excellence the first time we’re doing something, what we’re doing is we’re putting too much pressure on ourselves.

[00:05:32] And do you know what happens when you put too much pressure on yourself? You get short with people, you start to snap at people. People that are prone to anger and outbursts of rage, sometimes it’s because they’re pursuing perfection that they get discouraged, disappointed, frustrated with themselves.

[00:05:55] I want you to check in on this with yourself. Because if you’re pursuing perfection, what’s going to happen? You’re going to get ready to get ready. You’re never going to get going. Because how can you be perfect when you’ve never done something before? Or it’s the first time? Or you haven’t mastered it yet?

[00:06:14] Be more committed to action and doing a good job; let’s leave perfection to the side.

[00:06:23] Related to this is another guiding principle that I embrace, that I want to invite you to embrace. And it’s a little bit quirky maybe, but here it is.

[00:06:37] In life, there are going to be breaks. There are going to be spills. You know, you’re going to break a dish. You’re going to spill the milk or the tea or the coffee. There’s going to be stuff in your pantry that is expired. There’s going to be deliveries that come late. There’s going to be people that come late or early. There is going to be orders when you go to a restaurant that are not going to be quite right.

[00:07:08] This is all part of life. And I’m sharing this with you because why don’t you make a decision once, like right now, that you’re not going to get upset for the rest of your life, about any of this stuff?

[00:07:25] Just today, I was coming up the stairs. I had my computer. I had my beverage. I was carrying five other things and you know what? My beverage fell all over the stairs. For a moment I was upset and then I reminded myself, “Caterina, spills are part of life.”

[00:07:48] And guess what? That immediately took away any upset or frustration. Because these things… imperfections… that’s part of life. Let’s have you decide right now for the next 50, 60, 80 years -you’re not going to let any of this upset you. Bing, bing, bing! This is going to support you in mastering your mindset.

[00:08:16] Okay. Let’s take a deep breath. Ah.

[00:08:21] Number three, master yourself talk. Here’s the thing, your supposed to be on your side. Not on your back. You’re supposed to be lifting yourself up, having positive self-talk. Not negative self-talk.

[00:08:43] And it’s very interesting because you may know that the average person has 70% negative or worrying thoughts every day. Did you know that?

[00:08:56] Here’s the beautiful thing about that though. When you simply set an intention that you are going to have more positive self-talk, that you’re not going to worry as much, you can take that 70%, all the way down to 40%. That’s with one action.

[00:09:16] Imagine if you had a standard operating procedure in your life that you did not talk negatively about yourself. And by the way, I want you to notice, how are you reacting right now as I say that? No negative self-talk. If you’re having a reaction right now, like, “This is impossible,” then it’s all the more reason for you to shine the spotlight on this.

[00:09:45] I remember years, years, years ago, probably 20 + years ago, I would say to my friend, Mary, I would say “Mary, no negative self-talk” when I would hear her talk down about herself.

[00:10:00] Do you know, she told her daughter, she told her husband, “no negative self-talk.” She started to monitor her self-talk. If she was with me and I ever said anything negative, she would tell me, “Caterina, no negative self-talk.” she would send me texts, “no negative self-talk.” It became a part of not only our relationship, her life.

[00:10:23] And eventually my negative self-talk totally diminished. Now, I’m not going to tell you I am a hundred percent no negative self-talk. I’m telling you, it is a skill that you can master. You can get that negative self-talk way down.

[00:10:43] Because remember you’re supposed to be your own best success coach. You’re supposed to be the one that lifts you up, because you’re the one who’s with yourself 24- 7.

[00:10:56] Make sure that you’re lifting yourself up. That you are saying positive things to yourself. And if you catch yourself, and I do encourage you to catch yourself if you’re talking negatively to yourself, then replace that with some positive statements to remind yourself that you’re awesome. This is a key, key piece, not only to mindset mastering to life blissing.

[00:11:26] Okay, we have talked about being committed to mastering your mindset. To remembering that perfection is not required. To committing yourself to mastering yourself talk, being your own best success coach, being on your side.

[00:11:44] Number four, use inquiry questions to find solutions and lighten your load.

[00:11:50] What is an inquiry question? And inquiry question is a question that you ask yourself over and over until the solution or ideas, variety of ideas even reveal themselves.

[00:12:09] Now, I want to pause here to tell you that the questions you ask yourself are very powerful. You could say to yourself, “why am I so lacking?” And guess what? Your brain, your fabulous mind will give you some answers.

[00:12:26] Or you could ask your mind, ” how can I be more awesome?” and your mind will come up with solutions for that.

[00:12:34] Instead of saying to yourself, “can I do this, or can I do that?” You want to say to yourself, “how can I?”

[00:12:45] Let’s say you have a big sales goal and you have no idea how you’re going to. Don’t say to yourself, “will I get there or I won’t get there?” Well, that’s not helpful. Say to yourself, “how can I get there?” And keep asking yourself that question.

[00:13:06] Put a post-it note on your computer or your mirror in the bathroom. “How can I get my goal? How can I, whatever it is?” And you will see that ideas will start to come to you.

[00:13:24] Let’s take it one step further and use your fabulous, beautiful, wonderful super-smart subconscious to work on your inquiry question for you. How do you do that? You simply say to yourself before you go to bed, “Okay subconscious. Okay, mind, work on this question.”

[00:13:53] And I will tell you most of the time you will wake up with the answer being revealed to you. I remember way back when, when I was writing tons of articles and had deadlines all the time, sometimes I had no idea what I was going to write about. Or I knew what I was going to write about, but I didn’t know what to say about it.

[00:14:16] And I would say to myself before I went to bed, “Okay, subconscious. Start working on my article for tomorrow. Bring me some amazing, brilliant ideas about whatever my topic was.” And as a result, I would always sit down to write and would have a lot more ease getting everything out.

[00:14:40] Use your beautiful subconscious. This is why you want to review your goals at night, before you go to bed. This is why you want to reflect and even say out loud, your compelling vision before you go to bed so that your subconscious can get working on it for you. Number four, use your inquiry questions to find solutions and lighten your load.

[00:15:05] When we say lighten your load, what I mean is the mental weight on you. The mental load that you’re carrying. All these things weighing on your mind. That’s what I want to talk to you about in number five.

[00:15:20] Here’s another super tip to master your mindset, and it is to always do what you can to reduce what is weighing on your mind. We have just discussed a big solution for this in number four with your inquiry questions.

[00:15:42] I want to discuss with you now some other ways that I want to invite you to consistently be lightening what’s weighing on your mind.

[00:15:54] The first thing, which I’m making the assumption if you’re listening to this, this is you anyway. I’m going to remind you though, make sure you’re always operating with integrity everywhere in your business. Always operate with integrity.

[00:16:11] Now, this is where you do what’s right even if you don’t like it. You do what’s right, even if it costs you money. You do what’s right, even when you have to apologize. You do what’s right.

[00:16:24] You operate with integrity. And the more you operate with integrity, the more, you can sleep with ease. And the more you can bliss in your business.

[00:16:33] Next thing to reduce what’s weighing on your mind, easier said than done I know, create financial surplus for yourself. Having been somebody who’s had no surplus to having good amount of surplus makes a huge difference.

[00:16:53] When I say it makes a huge difference, what I’m saying to you is that when you are having a challenge, paying your bills, when you’re having a challenge and are concerned about paying all the people helping you, when you’re concerned about paying yourself, when you’re concerned about what if next month is not a stellar month or the month after that, or the month after that?

[00:17:16] This results in you usually working way too hard. Results in you not mastering your self-care, letting some of your self-care go. And it also results in you being reactive versus proactive.

[00:17:33] Now I get it’s easy for me to say, “Hey, build a lot of financial surplus in your business.”

[00:17:39] What I do want to say to you though, is have this absolutely be an objective for your company this year ASAP. Why? Because it is often money issues that weigh on you mentally, your mental wellbeing is what we’re talking about here. And that’s why I want to encourage you to put your attention on this.

[00:18:09] I remember a day many, many years ago, I was in my thirties I think. And I got this bill, my credit card bill at the end of the month. And it was a $10,000 bill. And I remember feeling, “oh my gosh, how am I ever going to pay this bill? I’m so stressed out about it.” Well, the bill got paid.

[00:18:32] Now these days I don’t actually use credit cards. I only use debit cards because I don’t like to get that big bill at the end of the month. There’s a lot less strain on my mental state because I’m on top of my money. I review my accounts on an almost daily basis. I make sure I know everything that’s gone going out, everything that’s coming in.

[00:18:59] Of course, I have a bookkeeper that does her job. I have an accountant that does his job. And my level of financial confidence is a thousand times higher than it was before when I was having challenges.

[00:19:17] And part of the challenges were created because I was not feeling confident about my finances and my money so I wasn’t giving that aspect of my business, the attention it deserves and merits. I just wanted it to keep focusing on generating more revenue, which is more fun. At the same time, we’ve got to run our business like a business, right? And that means that we are paying good attention to our finances on a consistent basis. And this will reduce the mental weight on you when you know what the state of your business is.

[00:20:00] Now we’re discussing here, how to reduce what weighs on your mind. Well, the third thing is related to the second thing that we just discussed, having financial surplus, and that is never hesitate to invest money. Or I even like to say, throw money at a problem if you could make it go away.

[00:20:23] Rather than trying to fix everything and do everything yourself, throw a little money at the problem. Invest a little money. Get an expert to help you. So that you can continue to focus on what’s the best use of your time, but also they’re going to do it faster, better, more efficiently without the stress that it’s going to create you because you’re trying to save a buck.

[00:20:47] Very, very important. Again, this is running your business like a business. Use money to solve problems.

[00:20:58] This episode is part one of our two-part discussion on mastering your mindset. I want you to know I have many more insights and super tips for you because mastering your mindset is an essential, crucial part of thriving and blissing in your business. Remember to come back next week for more super tips on this important topic.


Welcome back to another episode of the Expand Your Fempire podcast. This is your host Catarina Rando, and I am blissing to be with you because our episode today is part two of our mastering your mindset conversation. Really we could take 10 episodes for this very important topic. We have broke it down into two parts.

[00:00:58] If you did not listen to last week part one of mastering your mindset, I want to invite you to go and do that now. You can listen to it before or after, it will work either way.

[00:01:12] What I want you to know is I have many more insights and super tips for you. Because mastering your mindset is an essential, crucial part of thriving and blissing in your business.

[00:01:30] Next one number six, choose what is. Let me tell you what I mean by this. In life, there are oftentimes where we have to make a choice.

[00:01:44] For example, you get together with friends, you’re trying to decide what type of restaurant you go to. You want to go to Indian food. Your friends want to go to Italian food. You agree, you go to Italian food. That’s fine. A lot of good pasta dishes there.

[00:02:04] When you’re there though, are you enjoying your experience with your friends over a good plate of penne arrabiata? Or are you wishing you are having some delicious curry at the Indian restaurant?

[00:02:25] Choose what is. Choose where you are. Choose what you’re doing. Choose the current state of affairs.

[00:02:36] For example, I am currently single. I would love, love, love to find the love of my life and be enjoying a loving, committed relationship. Well guess what? On any given evening, that’s not the case in my life right now. Am I lamenting, sorry for me I don’t have a boyfriend? Or am I blissing that hey, I’m here on my own. I get to do my thing. I get to leave dishes in the sink. If I want, I get to eat early, eat late. I got nobody with their feet on my dining room table, watching hours and hours of sports. I got no heartache at this time. No relationship drama.

[00:03:33] Now, of course I hope that none of those things happen in my next relationship. The point is that right now, I got it good. And I’m choosing to be blissing with what is.

[00:03:50] I want you to look in your life. I want you to look in your business. Of course, we’re always upgrading. Of course, we want to make plans to create what we want. At the same time, do you choose what is? And I’m hoping that you do choose what is. You do choose to be where you are.

[00:04:14] Like right now, pandemic lifestyle. Yes, there are many downsides to living the pandemic lifestyle. At the same time, you may have made new virtual friends. You may have reduced your expenses because you’re not driving as many places. You may have gotten new clients like myself and many of my clients have gotten, because we now are networking and running classes and giving seminars all over the country without leaving our dining room or our office.

[00:04:55] This is a big one, my friend. I want you to look, do you choose what is, or do you lament about what is not that you have no control over that you cannot change in this moment? Bing, bing. Big one, big one, big one.

[00:05:12] Here’s what I also want to tell you. We go 20, 25, 30 minutes on these podcasts. I got a lifetime supply of things to shine the spotlight on with you to master your mindset. We are not going to have time to discuss all of these things.

[00:05:35] You may not even know that my first book was called Learn to Power Think from Chronicle books. Published in several languages. Released in many countries. If you do not have a copy of learned power, think you can probably get an old copy on Amazon. A few years ago, the same book was released in paperback under the title, Learn to Think DifferentlyI’m sharing this with you because I want you to know that I have many insights for you on mastering your mindset.

[00:06:11] I am going to therefore make a quick tip sheet for you to print out, to stick on your wall, to remind you of all the things we’re discussing in our time together today and some very strong, super tips that we’re not going to have time for.

[00:06:34] Because I really want you to get that mastering your mind is one of the essential keys to you, thriving in your business and blissing in your life.

[00:06:49] To get my tip sheet that goes along with this episode, go to my free gifts page, CaterinaRando.com/links. And you will see there the master your mindset quick tip sheet listed.

[00:07:14] And by the way, while you are there, see my upcoming workshops. I always have a free zoom workshop coming up. You’re invited as my VIP guest. We have workshops. We have amazing programs to support you to thrive, catapult your business. We have our amazing retreats.

[00:07:36] If you have not stepped into the Thriving Women in Business community, I want to invite you to do that. Also, please come and join us friday nights, five o’clock Pacific in our Thriving Women in Biz club room, on Clubhouse. Follow me, come network. You share about your business. You share what’s coming up. We have inquiry questions that we ask that we get everyone to answer. And as a result, you will absolutely leave that room more uplifted than when you showed up. You’ll probably make some new friends. You will definitely get some super tips and insights to support you on your entrepreneurial journey.

[00:08:20] Let’s continue with our guiding principles to master your mindset to bliss and thrive more in business and life.

[00:08:32] Number seven, have ongoing, consistent support in your life. Where did this idea come from that we’re supposed to do stuff ourself? That we’re supposed to do it on our own? That we’re supposed to quote unquote “man up.” I don’t know what the equivalent is for women. The point being that we’re supposed to figure it out all by ourself.

[00:09:05] I’m going to tell you right now the pandemic lifestyle has taken its toll on everybody on the planet. Even if you’re still blissing and thriving, it’s still taking a toll. Why? Because of uncertainty. What are you doing consistently to support your mental health and your wellbeing?

[00:09:30] I have been having a counselor since the pandemic. Counselor, coach, mentor, therapist… I’m not quite sure. She actually is all those things. Pamela Meyer, who I am so grateful for her support. The pandemic started six weeks after my ex-husband passed away unexpectedly. Even though he was my ex, I still loved him. It still is a lot to deal with.

[00:10:03] Not to mention supporting all the ladies in my community. And I will say I stepped right up to support them any way I could with our all- community meetings, with looking for additional ways for them to connect virtually, with being extra available.

[00:10:23] All of that has been my bliss. And when you are running a business and running a team and holding a community, wanting to support everyone to thrive, and spending way too much time alone, talking about my pandemic lifestyle, of course support is needed.

[00:10:47] Now you might be thinking over there where you’re sitting right now. ” Well, Caterina that’s fine for you, but you know, I’ve got a great husband and I’ve got great kids.

[00:10:57] Sweetheart, you need support, too. You need support from people that do not have.a perspective and self-interest in mind as your loved ones do. I want you to have support from someone outside of your life, outside of your circle because they’re going to have different insights for you.

[00:11:27] I’m not saying you got to have a coach, you got to have a counselor, you got to have a therapist. I’m saying you got to have something. Of course, I want you to have a business coach. I’m talking right now about your mental well- being. What do you got that is supporting you consistently?

[00:11:48] Because I have the privilege of having several ladies in my community and several of them hire other ladies in my community, I start to see the results that women are getting when they’re in Carla’s walking group, when they’re in Seema’s meditation and health and wellness group, when they’re working with Rhonda on their wellbeing or going to one of her retreats. I see all of this. I see the impact that happens when you have support.

[00:12:26] And then I talk to my ladies sometimes and they’re a little bit down and I asked them, “what kind of support are you having? Guess what? They’re not usually having any.

[00:12:41] This is all preventative because even though I may not know you personally, my friend, I know you. You’re working your business. You got people depending on you. Even if you’re not having a spouse or kids or a significant other, I know your friends consider you a resource when they want to be uplifted, right?

[00:13:07] Who’s lifting you up? That’s what I want you to make sure that you are having in your life.

[00:13:16] You know, I like to say a rising woman lifts all the women around her. Well, you cannot be a rising woman, lifting up others, when you’re feeling down.

[00:13:30] Get support, get support, get support.

[00:13:33] Number eight, super tip, guiding principle alert. Here’s what I want you to get. When you start to get discouraged or depresso, I want you to go back to being your own best success coach. I want you to do a little self- assessment.

[00:13:55] This is good because this is going to get you out of your emotions and back into your head. And you’re going to ask yourself these questions:

[00:14:04] Did you get a good nights sleep? My friend, you know, sleep is the elixir of a good life. If you didn’t get a good night’s sleep, you’re more likely to have your mental well-being impacted.

[00:14:18] Did you move your fanny in the last 24 hours? Movement, exercise, yoga, stretching, taking a walk, whatever it is. That is essential for your mental wellbeing and emotional wellbeing.

[00:14:38] Next question. Again, this is your self-assessment.

[00:14:42] Did you have fun? Did you get together and have some comradery in the last 24 hours? Or even since the start of the day? If not, that is going to support you and your wellbeing.

[00:15:01] Next one. Not as easy to evaluate, perhaps maybe takes a little more digging.

[00:15:08] Is there a communication that you have been withholding? That means something you want to say that you’re not saying. Or something you want to ask for that you’re not asking for. This can get at you and bring you down even on an unconscious level.

[00:15:28] Number five in our self-assessment: is there a criteria that needs to change?

[00:15:39] If you’re a regular listener to this podcast, you know that I’m very big on criteria. Create a criteria for your team, for your clients, for your vendors, for your friends. Create a criteria for being a yes for things. It’s gotta be fun. It’s gotta be easy. It’s gotta be profitable. Whatever your criteria is. Create a criteria before you’re a yes.

[00:16:07] Sometimes when we’re feeling down, gritty, irritated uneasy, it’s because something needs to change. And that’s another place for you to look in your self-assessment.

[00:16:25] Next one. My friend, have you been consuming too much caffeine, sugar, alcohol? All of these things can impact your mental and emotional wellbeing and therefore your mindset.

[00:16:40] Oh, and by the way, like my mother would tell, are you drinking plenty of water? Because dehydration can also impact your emotional wellbeing. Did you know that? Drink plenty of water. That’s outside our self-assessment. It goes here though. It’s another important guiding principle.

[00:17:02] Next question to ask yourself in your self-assessment.

[00:17:07] When was the last time you did some self-care? Some self-love stuff? Foot, bath, massage, regular bath, you went to the museum or the bookstore. You sat in a cafe with a cafe latte. You had some afternoon tea and crumpets. You sat on your couch with a good book and indulged. When was the last time?

[00:17:32] If none of that’s happened within 24 hours, make some time. You have to be your own best success coach, mental health coach, mindset coach, as we’ve discussed.

[00:17:49] These questions that we’ve just run through, number one through seven, these are your self-assessment. I want you to look at when you’re feeling less than magnificent. Let’s get you out of not feeling good. And let’s get you to take a good objective look at what’s been going on with you the last 24 hours that you can impact.

[00:18:18] Oh, my gosh, I got so many more for you. I’m going to give you a couple more. Don’t forget to go to CaterinaRando.com/links to get my quick tip sheet on everything we’ve discussed. Therefore, you can review it every day and there’s going to be even more guiding principles or quick tips on there to support you in mastering your mindset.

[00:18:43] Number nine. Make disappointment your fuel for more determination. My friend let’s talk truth. There are going to be disappointments du jour. There’s always going to be discouraging situations.

[00:19:07] You make some calls, people book, appointments, they don’t show up. They say they’re going to get back to you. They don’t. They say they’re going to sign up. They vanish.

[00:19:18] In business and life there are going to be disappointments and discouragement. du jour. That’s okay. What is going to happen is going to happen. The question is what are you doing when it happens?

[00:19:35] In fact, let me tell you. Friday, I had several conversations scheduled to talk to people about what programs they’re interested in. I’ve already talked to them once. These were second calls with current clients. I was expecting that we would move forward. They would be signing up for some things. What’s that? That’s new revenue in the door. That’s new clients I get to serve. And guess what? I don’t know what it was on Friday. Maybe there was something with the planets, because 80% of my calls had to cancel or reschedule.

[00:20:20] Now, you know, I’m expecting success. I’m expecting everyone is going to get on board. We’re going to have new revenue in the door. Bing, bing. We’re going to get some new clients started or clients re-upping. Bing, bing. And nothing because everybody for whatever reason is no longer available on that day.

[00:20:41] And at the end of the day it was very interesting, because I noticed I was not discouraged. I was not depresso. I was not disappointed. I was fine. Did you hear that? I was fine.

[00:21:00] You know why? Because I did these three things that I’m telling you right now.

[00:21:08] I asked myself, I reminded myself, “Caterina, do you have massive value to bring?” Yes, I do. I’m a hundred percent sure of that.

[00:21:19] Then I asked myself, “Caterina, is there a lifetime supply of people to serve? If these people vanish are there more?” Yeah, I’m pretty confident and sure about that too.

[00:21:35] And then as I glanced at the substantial number of bright, colorful thank you and greeting cards that I have displayed in my living room from clients, I asked myself, “have I gotten great results for my clients?” And that is surely a yes.

[00:22:00] This is what I want you to do. This is very big for your mindset and your wellbeing. Because there is going to be disappointment du jour.

[00:22:09] When you notice some disappointment. When you notice some professional depresso setting in. When you are momentarily discouraged. Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to ask yourself those three important questions.

[00:22:27] Do you have massive value to bring? Answer hopefully is yes. I’m sure it’s yes. Make sure you know it’s yes. Number two. Is there a lifetime supply of people to serve? Yes, there is. Number three. Have you gotten great results and solutions for your clients? Yes, you have. There you go. Bing, bing, bing.

[00:22:52] Take any disappointment, any discouragement, put it through those three questions and turn it into determination.

[00:23:03] Let me tell you something. It is through discouragement and disappointment and things not going your way and things that happen that get you down, that you get your determination.

[00:23:22] I can talk to you today 1000% sure that I have the determination to create what I want for myself and my life and my business. And you know why? Because of days like I’m going to tell you right now.

[00:23:41] One day I’m on a cruise ship. I got 26 ladies on a cruise ship. We’re out to sea. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my confirmed or what I thought was confirmed meeting room for where I’m going to meet with these 26 ladies for the next 10 days… I am told does not exist. There are too many groups on the ship. They have no record of my meeting room and I’m thinking to myself, where am I going to meet with these gals? I certainly don’t have room in my cabin.

[00:24:21] I say to my team, go figure it out. They come back, they got nothing. They talked to this person, they talked to the meeting person, they talked to the banquet person. They got nothing.

[00:24:33] I go, I talked to the liaison for the groups. I talked to someone I knew from the last time I was on that ship who had been previously helpful. And what do I get? Nothing. Nothing. No, no, no. I said to myself, “I am determined to solve this problem. I am determined to find a place to meet with my ladies and give them the retreat that they are expecting and deserve.”

[00:25:03] I asked myself, this is back to our discussion earlier about inquiry question. I said to myself, “Hmm, what can I do to solve this problem? How can I get support to solve this problem?”

[00:25:19] Just in that moment, I reflect who else do I know on the ship? I go and I see the manager of the dining room. Whose name of course I remembered from the last time. Who I was very gracious to the last time I brought a group on that ship.

[00:25:39] Long story short, he let me meet with my group in his beautiful dining hall after breakfast, before the people came for lunch and in the afternoon when it was not in use. And it was on that day that I learned, I do have determination and I can meet any challenge. That’s one small example. There are others.

[00:26:09] My point is you build determination, not just by deciding to be determined. You build determination by overcoming challenges that your business and your life will throw at you.

[00:26:27] Your business and your life is your school, your academy, your graduate studies, in personal growth and transformation. I’m hoping that you know that.

[00:26:41] My friend, I got a few more, but number 10, we’re going to leave it on today for this discussion. Go to CaterinaRando.com/links. Grab your quick tip sheet on mastering your mindset.

[00:26:54] Here’s number 10, be in community. Be in two or three communities with people that see you and value you. That is the criteria. They see you and they value you. Any groups or communities that you’re involved with that are bringing you down rather than lifting you up where you’re leaving depresso rather than inspired and uplifted… my friend, get a new community.

[00:27:29] There’s also a lifetime supply of amazing places for you to connect with like-minded, like-hearted people. Consider joining our community if you are a woman on a mission with massive value to bring who has integrity, generosity and a big heart. This is another way that you get support, that you fill your cup, that you ensure your mental wellbeing and the mastering of your mindset.

[00:28:04] We have discussed many things in our time together last week and today . Let me give you a quick recap.

[00:28:12] Number one, be committed to mastering your mindset.

[00:28:18] Number two, perfection is not required. That just puts pressure on you.

[00:28:24] Also, we discussed, decide breaks, spills, late deliveries, people being late, mistakes in your order at a restaurant, make a decision right now. You’re not going to let any of that stuff bother you for the next 50 years. Why bother? That impacts your mindset and your mental wellbeing.

[00:28:48] Number three, master your self-talk. Be on your side, not on your back.

[00:28:54] Number four, use inquiry questions to find solutions. Remember use your subconscious, ask inquiry questions before you go to bed. “How can I” is a great start to any inquiry question.

[00:29:11] Number five, do what you can do to reduce what might be weighing on your mind. This is where we talked about operating with integrity, creating financial surplus, not hesitating to throw money at a challenge to reduce stress and solve problems.

[00:29:29] Number six, choose what is. Remember, this is where we discussed the Italian food versus the Indian food.

[00:29:39] Number seven, have an ongoing, consistent support structure in your life. Coach, a counselor, therapist.

[00:29:51] Number eight, when you start to get discouraged or depresso, do your self assessment that we discussed. Ask yourself those seven key questions. Did you get enough sleep? Did you move your body? Did you have some fun? Is there a communication that you have been withholding or something you want to ask for? Is there a criteria that needs to change? Also take a moment to reflect on your consumption too much coffee, too much sugar, too much alcohol, not enough water. All those are going to impact your wellbeing.

[00:30:29] Number seven, when’s the last time you did some self-care some self-love? Hopefully in the last 24 hours.

[00:30:38] If not, do that. That is number eight.

[00:30:44] Number nine, make disappointment your fuel for more determination.

[00:30:52] Number ten, be in community with like-minded like-hearted people that lift you up, see you and value you.

[00:31:05] My friend, you know, I have a lifetime supply of more for you. We’re going to leave it there.

[00:31:10] I hope you’ve identified one of these that you’re going to super shine the spotlight on because the more you focus on mastering your mindset, your wellbeing, your mental and emotional wellbeing, will be uplifted and steady. And the more you will thrive and bliss in your business and your life.

[00:31:36] Remember you have massive value. There is a lifetime supply of people to serve. Go master your mindset so that you can sell more, serve more, and uplift more lives.

[00:31:53] This is Caterina Rando. I cannot wait to be with you again here or seeing your smile on the screen at a Zoom workshop. Or if I’m really lucky on one of our amazing live and in-person retreats.

[00:32:11] Go. Thrive. Prosper. I look forward to being with you again very soon.

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Expand Your Fempire with Caterina Rando.

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