Showing 48 Result(s)

Who You Are is Monetizable

By Caterina Rando, MA, CPPC Who You Are Is Monetizable When women entrepreneurs want to get more clients, they focus on emphasizing what they are offering and what results they can get for their clients. This is great. But I want you to know that you have so much more to offer than just your …

Get A Wall Calendar and Thrive

By Caterina Rando, MA, CPPC Get a Wall Calendar and Thrive Last year I started using an online calendar called Schedulicity®. It allows clients and late-night-surfing potential clients to book their own appointments. It also lets my THRIVE Team members book and change appointments for me, and everyone on my team can see my whole …

Be a Magnet for Clients and Thrive

All the joy of our lives is not in the outcome, but in the process. Finishing a marathon, walking, over the threshold of your first home, and seeing someone’s face when you tell them, you love them, are experiences that fill only moments. Success is not destinations we arrive at; it is an attitude we …

Beat the Blahs

Have you shed any tears of grief in public lately? Do you drag yourself to parties that you do not really want to attend, and then feel bad once you arrived? Are you always tired, sad or pessimistic? If this sounds like you, you may have been exposed to someone or something that gave you …

Living Without Regrets

Have you chosen to reach for the stars while a living a life full of possibilities and passion or to keep holding on to the railing, by passing your time in the seat of the mundane, thinking about what might have been. You are responsible for making sure you are served up a full helping …

The Power of One Day to Create Your Best Business

As I speak to different groups I hear what makes a difference in people’s lives—how one conversation, one sentence, one meeting, one phone call, one radio program can put an idea in someone’s head that sticks there and won’t leave until action is taken and things become new. There is great power in one single …