Welcome to the Expand Your Fempire Podcast Archives:
Episodes #1-#52
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Episode #1:
How to Wear Your C.A.P.E.
Welcome to Expand Your Fempire - the podcast for women entrepreneurs on a mission, hosted by Caterina Rando! Where in your life and your business have you been getting ready to get ready? Listen to this first episode to learn how to wear your "C.A.P.E." and move forward in your business.
Episode #2:
The Five Pillars of
Your Fempire
In this episode, Caterina gives an introduction to the "Five Pillars" that every female entrepreneur should know about for business success.
Focus on these five key principles to Expand Your Fempire and love every minute of it!
Episode #3:
Super Tips to Sell
with Authenticity
Wouldn't it be awesome to feel GREAT about making sales calls instead of dreading them? In this episode, Caterina discusses selling in a way that allows women to be authentic and run their businesses based on their values. Don't miss this info-packed episode that will change the way you do business!
Episode #4:
How to be a Woman of Impact with Andrea Woolf
In this inspiring episode, Caterina interviews Andrea Woolf, Coach, Speaker, Author and Founder of Women of Impact. Caterina and Andrea discuss the beliefs that hold women back, the significance of heart-centered communication, how to be a true Woman of Impact, and much more!
Episode #5:
The Essential Ingredients to Create Massive Change
In this powerful episode, Caterina delivers the secret ingredients needed to create massive change in your business. Hint: it’s not just attending a workshop every once-in-awhile. If you are ready to move as quickly as possible from where you are to where you want to be, these key ingredients are how you’re going to get there!
Episode #6: Using Publicity and Partnering to Thrive, with Jill Lublin
Publicity expert Jill Lublin joins Caterina in this episode featuring tips for using collaboration and partnerships. They discuss networking strategies, the importance of forming alliances, and share publicity tips that will help your business not just grow but thrive!
Episode #7: The Power of Cultivating a Community Around Your Business
Have you been thinking about transforming your client base into a community? In this episode, Caterina shares her insight on the power of building a community around your business and taking steps to ensure that your community thrives. When you consciously cultivate your community, you can catapult your business and serve your clients in ways you never dreamed!
Episode #8: Feng Shui, Fun and Friendship with Linda Lenore
In this unique episode, Feng Shui Master and certified green interior designer Linda Lenore joins Caterina to discuss her journey as an entrepreneur who helps business owners create beautiful, healthy environments to enhance their lifestyle and empower them. Linda also shares several action items that entrepreneurs can take to practice good Feng Shui. From the view out of your front door, to Zoom backgrounds, Linda’s tips will support health, wealth, peace and happiness in your business and your life.
Episode #9:
Stop Shooting Yourself in the Wallet
Are you shooting yourself in the wallet with these money mistakes? Many women entrepreneurs often overlook these pitfalls that could be impeding or even stopping your flow of revenue. Caterina discusses what to look out for and how to adjust what you might be doing that is not serving you in your business. Gain tips to fix these money mistakes for more revenue in your business and in your wallet.
Episode #10:
The 3 Feminine Leadership Archetypes with Jess Tomlinson
In this episode, Jess Tomlinson, the Radiant Entrepreneur, shares how she helps women entrepreneurs increase their visibility through self-expression. Caterina and Jess discuss the three feminine leadership archetypes, how to determine your archetype style and own your strengths, and how to remove the blocks that your archetype faces. Check out this episode to learn how you can embrace your true, authentic self to increase your visibility!
Episode #11:
8 Types of Speaking to Embrace to Fill Your Calendar & Gain Insta-Clients
In this episode, Caterina discusses eight ways to use public speaking to expand your reach, increase your visibility, and gain insta-clients for your business. Whether you are speaking in-person or virtually, whether you are just getting started or you are a seasoned pro, these ideas will help you ensure that you are speaking as often as you would like to the right audience at the right time. Listen to this short and impactful episode to discover...
Episode #12:
Energy Management for Women in Business with Aeriol Ascher
In this episode, Caterina welcomes special guest Aeriol Ascher, an international bestselling Author, Speaker, Podcast Personality, Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healing Master, Mentor and Intuitive Guide on a mission to raise the vibration of the planet one soul at a time. Caterina and Aeriol discuss how women in business can manage energy – a valuable skill that is often overlooked. Check out this episode for super tips on getting grounded, breathing properly, using friendly energy buffers, and more!
Episode #13:
Have a Plethora of Prospects Year-Round
Would you like a consistent surplus of warm potential clients? In this episode, Caterina discusses how to take advantage of this time of year to ensure that you always have a plethora of prospects to reach out to. From knowing how to build influence, to reaching out with personal invitations, to avoiding a few stumbling blocks, this episode is full of great ideas that will get you in action to build your hot prospect list now!
Episode #14:
Increasing Your Positivity and Visibility with Jennifer Darling
In this episode, join Caterina and marketing, sales, and LinkedIn expert Jennifer Darling, as they discuss super tips for upgrading your LinkedIn profile with positive language and share a few LinkedIn strategies to embrace to raise your visibility and effectiveness on this platform. These gals have a lively exchange on integrating your core values into your brand, embracing generosity in business, and using your core values as your most important business guides. You will hear tips for more positive thinking, a possibility-focused mindset, and much more. This episode is sure to uplift you!
Episode #15: Do What Works, Even When It's Not Working
As women entrepreneurs, we must learn to manage our disappointment when things aren’t going as planned. Rather than stop doing what works because it’s momentarily not working, it’s important to keep at it and be consistent. In this episode, Caterina discusses the possibility of having your best sales month ever by putting your attention on your tried and true methods and making upgrades along the way. Implement tips from this episode now, and this month could be the best month of your entire year!
Episode #16: Bringing Your Whole Heart to Your Social Media with Diana Morgan
If you are ever uncertain about what to share on social media, this episode is for you! Caterina is joined by Diana Morgan, a speaker, author, coach, and marketing strategist whose purpose is to help women entrepreneurs be seen and heard so that they can share their gifts. In their info-packed conversation, Caterina and Diana discuss what it means to be authentic and share your “whole heart” on social media and in your business. Diana also shares several Facebook super tips that will change the way you look at social media for your business so that you get better results!
Episode #17:
Six Strategies to Have an Amazing Team
Whether you have a large team or are considering hiring your first team member, this episode will help you set your criteria for team success. Caterina shares six main team strategies that she has cultivated over her 28-year career. These super tips will help you not only find the right match for you and your business, but they will also guide you in laying a strong foundation for building clear, on-brand, and effective working relationships with everyone on your team. Listen to ensure that your business team soars!
Episode #18:
Leadership & Sisterhood with Shannon Crotty
In this intimate interview, Caterina has a thought-provoking conversation with Shannon Crotty, founder and CEO of Polka Dot Powerhouse, a sisterhood of positive, action-forward women from all over the world. Shannon discusses why she started the organization and also shares some of the most important values that guide her as a leader. Don’t miss this episode all about leadership, the power of sisterhood, and moving forward with your business vision!
Episode #19:
Amplify Your Client Appreciation
How do you show your clients that you appreciate them and their business? In this episode, Caterina shares her unique insights for client appreciation. She knows the more your clients feel good about working with you, the more they’re going to keep working with you. Be sure to listen to this episode for ideas to upgrade your acknowledgement, amplify your client appreciation, and ultimately upgrade your bliss with your business and your whole life.
Episode #20:
How to be a Limitless Woman with Laura Gisborne
In this interview, Caterina speaks with her amazing business coach and close personal friend, Laura Gisborne of Limitless Women. Laura shares her personal journey of enduring domestic violence and emphasizes the importance of helping other women by lifting them up, speaking up, and reaching out. In addition, Laura also shares ideas to help women entrepreneurs not only embrace femininity in their businesses but also spotlights a few areas that we all should amplify in order to thrive!
Episode #21:
Wear Your C.R.O.W.N. and Expand Your Fempire
Women entrepreneurs, it’s time to wear your C.R.O.W.N. and share your massive value with the world! In this fun and engaging episode, Caterina uses the C.R.O.W.N. acronym to demonstrate key proven guiding principles to embrace to help you thrive and bliss more in your business. Don’t miss this episode full of super tips to help you grow, expand, and more importantly, enjoy your Fempire!
Episode #22:
Make Your Retreats Sparkle with Hayley Hunter Hines
If you’ve ever thought about hosting a retreat for women entrepreneurs, this is the episode for you! Caterina is joined by Soul Sparkle Living CEO Hayley Hunter Hines, creator of magical experiences for women. The two friends have a fun and upbeat discussion about the lessons they’ve learned over many years of producing successful luxury retreats for women both in the US and internationally. Don’t miss this episode with tips to ensure your next retreat sparkles!
Episode #23:
Starting Over From a Woman of the World with Elle Ballard
In this episode, Caterina speaks with special guest Elle Ballard, founder of Women of the World, a community that welcomes women from every corner of the world to focus on diversity, personal growth, and business growth. Elle shares her thoughts on starting over after divorce and discusses the challenges she, and many women, face after relocating to the U.S. from their home countries. Elle also shares her guiding principles for not only building your organization but also for thriving as a woman entrepreneur. Don’t miss this great discussion on the value of having the courage to face change and a women's community to support you!
Episode #24:
Three Syndromes Inhibiting Your Success
Many women in business often suffer from maladies, syndromes, and challenges that impede their own success. In some cases, these massive barriers go undetected and we remain unaware of what’s in our way. In this “do not miss” episode, Caterina discusses three different maladies that affect many women entrepreneurs. If you suffer from one of these syndromes, don’t worry – Caterina also shares the treatment protocol to ensure your massive success!
Episode #25:
Illuminating Your Inner Leader with Karen Renee Halseth
As a leader of leaders, Karen Renee Halseth helps women entrepreneurs discover the innate leader within themselves. In this insightful and illuminating interview with Caterina, Karen Renee shares her unconventional journey to entrepreneurship and her secrets to taking “the leap.” She also discusses the qualities that make a leader and shares super tips for women to become the best leader they can possibly be!
Episode #26:
Three Areas to Amplify for More Business Bliss in 2021
Are you using your “heart skills?” These are emotional intelligence skills such as compassion and kindness. In this episode, Caterina discusses which heart skills you should amplify in 2021 to thrive. She also shares other areas for you to focus on to achieve bliss in your life and business. Start your New Year off the right way – learn to run your business in a way that is authentic for YOU!
Episode #27: Overcoming Patriarchy Stress Disorder with Dr. Valerie Rein
In this eye-opening episode, Caterina welcomes psychologist and innovative women’s health expert, Dr. Valerie Rein, author of Patriarchy Stress Disorder and The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women’s Happiness. Dr. Valerie shares her insights on the collective trauma that all women share, and how many of us do not even realize how severely it’s holding us back. The ideas and research shared in this episode will have you take a good look at yourself, your experiences, and the culture you were raised in - and more importantly, how it is impacting your thinking and your life today. Dr. Valerie also shares tools to help you start to heal this trauma to uplift your life. Don’t miss this unique conversation that will help you step into your full power now!
Episode #28:
Eliminate Sales Zappers to Catapult Your Revenue
It’s time to get rid of your “sales zappers!” Let’s take a look at what actions, thoughts, and beliefs might be standing between you and massive revenue growth. Many women entrepreneurs do not even realize what zappers are stopping them. In this episode, Caterina discusses several common sales zappers and details the steps you can take to eliminate them. Listen to this episode to develop a better relationship with sales so that you can bliss more in your business!
Episode #29:
Personal Defense for Businesswomen with Cynthia Jolicoeur Rood
Do you know what to do if you find yourself in an unsafe situation? In this episode, Caterina is joined by personal power and courage coach, Cynthia Joliceour Rood, who shares her super tips and insight to help women step into their power. Listen to this episode to help you feel more aware, more prepared, and more confident in your daily life.
Episode #30:
Musings that Matter to Master Your Business
In this mashup of musings episode, Caterina reflects on some of the ways businesswomen may be “being” that is interfering with client attraction, revenue generation, and business happiness and bliss. Caterina shares three specific examples of behaviors that can negatively impact business success, and what actions to take to move in the right direction. This podcast will evoke a little self-reflection that will make a huge difference!
Episode #31:
No Excuses with Edward L. Moore
Join speakers, best-selling authors, and amazing coaches Caterina Rando and Edward L. Moore for a fun, lively conversation about taking the leap from a job to entrepreneurship. Edward, who was once incarcerated, shares his story, and lessons he has learned during his transition to being a full-time business owner. He also shares his “Four A’s” to help you get rid of your excuses and move forward in your life and business. This episode will help you understand that everything you desire is on the other side of fear.
Episode #32:
Super Tips to Get Booked for Speaking as Much as You Want
Speakers and future speakers – this is the episode you’ve been waiting for! In this info-packed episode, sought-after speaker and women’s business mentor extraordinaire, Caterina Rando, shares as many super tips as she can to help you get booked for speaking. She discusses her list of best practices to help you not only fill your calendar with speaking, but also help your speaking be extremely effective, ensuring that you come home with insta-clients. Grab your notebook and be ready to take notes – this episode is not to be missed.
Episode #33:
Maximize Your Entrepreneurial Brain Power with Julie Anderson
Do you suffer from brain fatigue? Want to know how to refill your brain bank? Don’t miss this exciting episode featuring Julie “the Brain Lady” Anderson, one of the nation’s top experts on the Brain Personality Connection. Julie and Caterina discuss super tips to help you keep your brain healthy and less fatigued. Julie also shares the importance of learning to embrace your own brain strength areas to maximize your entrepreneurial power! You will want to listen to this one a few times.
Episode #34:
Eight Areas to Upgrade to Enhance Your Client’s Experience
In this episode, Caterina shares her special strategies and super tips to ensure your clients feel appreciated and always want to work with you. From the first time you first reach out to them, to acknowledging them when they complete your program, it’s important that you have a solid plan in place to ensure client retention. Write down the eight focus areas discussed in this episode, see what’s working, and note what can be upgraded – this will help you have life-long clients and bliss more in your business!
Episode #35:
Planning for More Profit with Marcia Riner
In this valuable episode, Caterina is joined by profit and business strategist, Marcia Riner, who is on a mission to help entrepreneurs to increase their profit and drive their growth using strategic planning. Throughout their eye-opening conversation, Caterina and Marcia discuss super tips and ideas to help you evaluate areas you may be overlooking when it comes to your profitability and your numbers. You will want to take notes on this one and implement these strategies right away to have more profit in your business!
Episode #36:
How to Build a Thriving Referral Partner Program
Doesn’t it feel great to get a referral from someone who is enthusiastic about what you do? If you don’t already have a solid referral program set up, now is the time to take action. In this episode, Caterina shares how to develop a thriving trusted alliance partner referral program that will significantly increase the number of referrals you receive and support you to massively monetize more in your business. From selecting partners to written agreements, this episode will give you the tools you need to receive more and better referrals from other businesses who you choose as your trusted alliance referral partners.
Episode #37:
Podcast and Video Strategies for Entrepreneurs with David Kersten
David Kersten is a Video Marketing Strategist who helps small business owners harness the power of video to massively increase their visibility and revenue. In this episode, he speaks with Caterina about his transition from working in politics to working with entrepreneurs, and how he uses his expertise to help his clients use video and podcasts to build their brands. David shares super tips on what videos are critical to have, and what steps to take to market them correctly. Listen and upgrade your visibility today!
Episode #38:
14 Ways to Generate Referrals from Existing Clients
You know why referrals are so great? Because whoever is referring a client to you has already warmed up that person. This saves you both time and money. In this episode, Caterina shares 14 innovative tips and ideas that you can take action on right now to get more referrals from your existing clients. Listen to this episode to set your business up for success by having clients that are consistently sending you referrals.
Episode #39:
Networking, Connecting & Embracing Clubhouse with Karena Calhoun
In this impactful episode, Caterina speaks with Karena Calhoun, a Certified Mindset and Life Coach who helps women entrepreneurs to level up their business by unveiling their authentic selves, discovering their purpose, increasing their self-confidence and destroying self-defeating obstacles. Karena is also the founder of the Women’s International Network (WIN) on Clubhouse, and she shares some of her top tips for success using the Clubhouse app. Listen to this episode for super tips on networking both on and offline!
Episode #40:
Insights for Better Selling and Scaling
For over 25 years, Caterina Rando has been mentoring women entrepreneurs and helping them grow their businesses. In this episode, she shares her insights on strategies that both she and her clients use to improve selling and scale their businesses. From building teams to selecting your ideal business coach, these valuable super tips will help you gain more clients, and operate with more ease, effectiveness, and bliss in your business.
Episode #41:
The Intersection of Politics and Entrepreneurship with Jana Lynn Sanchez
Caterina and Jana Lynn Sanchez, Congressional candidate from the state of Texas, became friends in their twenties. In this intimate interview, these long-time friends discuss leadership, how sales and fundraising have a lot in common, and the challenges and rewards of running for public office. Jana also shares her highs and lows and reflects on what motivated her to run again after an unsuccessful congressional run two years ago. This candid conversation will give you a lot to reflect on for yourself, your business, and your life.
Episode #42:
Add Retreats and Bliss More in Your Business
Caterina Rando has been hosting phenomenal women’s retreats for many years. In this insightful episode, she shares how retreats cultivate community, keep clients coming back, and raise the joy you experience when being of service. Gain numerous super tips to help you add retreats to your revenue model. This episode will guide you to successfully host, or upgrade, your own retreats so that you and your guests bliss more in your lives and in your businesses!
Episode #43: Embrace your GRRRL Power in Life and Business with Kortney Olson
GRRRL Clothing CEO Kortney Olson is an athlete, bodybuilder, trailblazer, and, by the way, she can crush a watermelon with her thighs! In this fun and edgy interview, Caterina and Kortney discuss everything from overcoming addiction to global business expansion to making a positive impact in the lives of women and “GRRRLS.” Listen to this episode to get to know Kortney and hear her inspiring story. You may even find yourself taking the GRRRL Pledge and loving yourself and pumping up your power more!
Episode #44: Insights to Maximize Your Virtual Networking
As an entrepreneur, you are probably spending a lot of time on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on Zoom, and in other virtual spaces. Plus, now Clubhouse has opened up to both Apple and Android users, and this networking platform brings many new opportunities. Here are some ideas and super tips that will support you to gain more value, show up to create more visibility while building influence, and effectively expand your network while growing your business.
Episode #45: Profit Up in Your Business with Wendy Babcock
It’s time to show up, build up and level up your business! In this episode, our guest is Wendy Babcock, a self-proclaimed “collector of titles” including speaker, author, communication strategist, TEDx Speaker, and more! During their conversation, Wendy and Caterina discuss important profit-building strategies from building foundational skills to hiring a team. Listen now for guidance and inspiration to increase your profit and bliss in your business!
Episode #46: Seven Values to Embrace for Your Business to Thrive
In this insightful episode, Caterina invites all women entrepreneurs to embrace seven key values for business success. From integrity to love to efficiency, Caterina’s list will have you not only blissing more, it will have your clients blissing more, too. These insights will allow you to continue to grow, scale and thrive. When you love what you do and run your business based on your values, you can serve more, sell more, and most importantly, positively impact and uplift more lives.
Episode #47: Managing Multiple Revenue Streams with Holly Porter
Holly Porter is an international Influencer, trailblazer, innovative entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Holly leads by example, helping others become “recession-resistant” by showing people how to cultivate multiple streams of income. In this episode, she shares her entrepreneurial journey, including being raised by entrepreneur parents, learning to manage multiple revenue streams during challenging times, and more. Listen to this great conversation with Caterina and Holly to get clarity on what makes you money and more importantly, what brings you bliss in your business!
Episode #48: Mindset Upgrades to Thrive More in Your Business
What ideas, beliefs, and assumptions are you operating with that affect your business? Is your mindset positive and uplifting? Or are you habitually embracing negative thoughts that do not serve you? In this episode, Caterina shares ideas to improve your mindset around selling and scaling your business. Don’t miss these helpful super tips to help you adjust your mindset to serve you more.
Episode #49:
Overcoming the Fear of Self-Promotion with C.J. Hayden
In this eye-opening episode, Caterina welcomes her long-time friend, master coach and fellow philanthropist, C.J. Hayden, the bestselling author of the phenom book “Get Clients Now!” Caterina and C.J. discuss C.J.’s entrepreneurial journey and how her background in science and information technology has helped her develop a proven system for solopreneurs to thrive. C.J. also shares lots of super tips on how to move past your fears of self-promotion so that you can build your confidence and soar in your business! This episode is info-packed.
Episode #50:
A Mid-Year Check-in and Checkup for Your Business
Join Caterina in celebrating the 50th episode of the Expand Your Fempire podcast with a mid-year checkup for your business! At the midway mark of the year, it is the time for you to reflect on what has happened during the first six months and what you want to upgrade, adjust, eliminate, or improve on for the second half. Listen to this special episode and download Caterina’s corresponding checklist to ensure the next six months of this year are your best ever!
Episode #51:
Creating Prosperity on Purpose with Ellen Rogin
Prosperity, generosity, abundance…what do these words mean to you as a business owner? Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP®, Abundance Activist®, TEDx Speaker, and best-selling author has made her life’s work educating, counseling, and guiding people to grow their prosperity and to use it as a force for good in their lives and in the world. In this fun and unique episode, Ellen and Caterina discuss how entrepreneurs can infuse philanthropy so that it actually generates prosperity for them. This conversation will change the way you think about philanthropy and help you embrace a more abundant mindset in your business and your life!
Episode #52:
How to be ALL IN in your business
Are you “ALL IN” in your business? Meaning, are you fully committed, or are you entertaining other ideas and distractions that may be inhibiting your entrepreneurial growth? In this thought-provoking episode, Caterina discusses six areas for you to look at to determine if you are ALL IN, in your business. The more you follow these guiding principles, the more people you will get to serve, the more you will earn, the more you will bliss, and the more lives you will uplift!